Service Introduction

The energy saving audit is independently carried out by a third-party organization. It audits the energy-saving technological transformation projects independently implemented by energy-using enterprises or implemented in the contract energy management mode, determines the energy savings of the project, and issues the verification activities and process of Energy-saving Audit Report.

Audit Basis

GB/T 24915 General Principles of Contract Energy Management Technology;

GB/T 28750 General Rules of Energy Saving Measurement and Verification Technology;

GB/T 2589 General Rules of Comprehensive Energy Consumption Calculation;

GB/T 13234 Calculation Method for Energy Saving of Enterprises;

GB/T 15316 General Rules of Energy-saving Monitoring Technology;

And project related standard requirements.

Role and Admissibility

The basis for sharing energy-saving benefits between the two parties of the contract energy management project;

The basis for applying for relevant national and local financial incentive funds;

The evidence for energy trading;

The evaluation basis for project acceptance, financial leasing and financing loans.

Service Description

Perform energy-saving audits for enterprises in accordance with relevant national standards, including energy efficiency testing of energy-consuming equipment, preparation of energy-saving audit reports, and energy-saving transformation of energy-consuming equipment.

Conduct energy-saving audits for contract energy management and energy-saving transformation financial incentive projects in accordance with government requirements and related policies.

Online Service Consultation
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